dofus (go back »)

August 23 2007, 1:55 AM

A wise dofusman once wrote tdofus goldhat there aren't as many people in the world as there seems to be. Yes, there are billions of bodies on this humble planet -- but sometimesdofus it feels as if there's only a couple of thousand personalities, since we keep running into the same archetypes over and over again. dofus gold dofus kamas It's the dofussame with WoW players -- particularly bad WoW players. We even have names for some of them: ninja, drama queen, lootwhore. Today on Encrypted Text, dofus goldwe'll bedofus discussing some rogue-specific types of bad players, includingkamas their plumage, distinctive mdofus kamasating calls, and where to spot them in the wild.dofus gold The dofusClumsy Roguedofus kamas dofus gold Identification:dofus This rogue missed out on the stealthy part of playing a stealkamasth class. Whether it's breaking crowd control dofusby misclicks, walking into mobs while dofusstealthed, or simply falling ofdofus gold a cliff/bridge/eledofus kamasvator/stairwell into a group of angry murlocs, this rogue is the dofusequivalent of a ninja walking around in dofushobnailed boots. With a cane. Banging on cymbals. I'd say I'm a bit okamasf a Clumsy Rogue myself, and my guildmates would probably agree as soon as dofus golddofus kamasthey run dofusback to their bodies Mating dofuscall: "Oops. Just let me die! Just let me die!" Habitat: dofusAny instance that requires movidofus goldng around the edge of things, moving outside a certain radius, or not running directly into your teammates (Gruul.) dofus kamas The Fearfuldofus Roguedofus golddofus kamas Identification:dofus This rogue is the polar opposite of the Clumsy Rogue. Instead of kamasbeing inept at stealthing, he's good ... too good. As in he doesn't want to dofus goldever come dofusout of his hiding place. This rogue stealths to every fight, only starts attacking when the mob's been tanked for about thirty seconds, and dofus golddofus kamasvanishesdofus the moment the mob even looks in his direction. He's also conspicuously kamasabsent during buffs and screenshots. There's a dofusnice hybrid of the Clumsy Rogue and the Fearful Rogue out there that likes to stealth past mobs tdofus goldo explore, and then suddenly walks into something and pulls half the instance Mating Caldofusl: "I thought I was gdofus goldetting close to kamaspulling aggro." dofus kamas Habitat: The dofusBlackwing Lair suppression room, and doing any quest that requires you to justkamas pick up objects hidden in caves/camps/nests. dofus gold The Look At My Crits Roguedofus kamas dofus Identification: This guy (and it almost always is a guy) is very, very into his crits. He stacks crit rating. He has an addon kamasthat tracks his highest crits. He may even have an addon that plays an annoying sound, like the Mortal dofus goldKombat "FINISH HIM!", whenever he crits. Sure, his hit rating is abysmal and he sucks dofus kamason the DPSdofus meters, but that doesn't matter to this guy. Mating Caldofusl: See title.dofus gold Habitat: Dueling people in front of Ironforge/Orgrimmar, never raiding dofus goldbecause hiskamas hit rating is lower than Death Valley. The Prima Donna Roguedofus gold dofusdofus gold Identification: This rogue feels that she is the star around which the guild revolves. She considers herself the most skilled kamasplayer in the guild, and most deservi<dofusa href="http://www.dofus.dofus goldcc">dofusg of raid spots, good items and constant attention. If she's not number one on the damage meters, she will make excuses for her performance, and kamaswill often ask officers (if she's not one herself) to bend rules for her. Evedofus goldntually, shekamas will get fed dofus kamasup and make a dramatic /gquit the moment anything goes wrong odofusr progression slows down even slightly, and hop to a new guild with her tales of mistreatment. Mating Call: "Whatever would you guys do without me?"dofus gold Habitatdofus: Any major raiding guild with fast progression. This happens in every class, butkamas it's funniest idofus kamasn rogues -- a prima donna main tank or top healer kind ofdofus has a point, but there are millions of rogues out there salivating for a raid kamasslot. The I Only Do DPS Roguedofus golddofus kamas Identification: I've never seen this rogue myself, but it's a pet peeve of one of my rogue mentors. Some rogues take the "Rogueskamas have one job and that's to DPS" sdofustuff on the forums a little dofus goldtoo seriously,kamas and therefore refuse to stop DPSing to do anything else. This rogue might as well have only three buttons: Backstab/SS, Slice and Dice, and Rupture, because those are the only three he uses. He won't feint or vanish because they're wastes kamasof energy, doesn't know how todofus COS out of magic, refuses todofus gold kick and kamasinterrupt vital spells, and (of course) would never deign to bandage himself.dofus kamas Mating Call: "Can't someone else interrupt the spells? I never have enougdofus goldh energy tokamas kick, and it's distracting." Habitatdofus: Wiping your group on High King Maulgar, Shade of Aran, or Magtheridon. The HEAL ME Roguedofus golddofus kamas dofus Identification: Once upon a time, I was in a guild with a skilled but rather young rogue. This rogue constantly badgered thekamas healers to heal him, even when it was a tough fight and they were having enough trouble keeping up the tandofus goldk. Amazingly,kamas he also tedofus kamasnded to die on trash mobs a lot more than every other rogue. dofus couple months after I noticed this, he was doing the "HEAL ME" thing again (this time in a private chat channel) when a druid told me why he died so often. Apparently, he had told a feral druid during a guild BRD fun run thatdofus gold he didn't kamasneed the Hand of Justice because "druids can only heal." That, combindofusd with his incessant cries for hdofus goldeals, led kamasthe druids dofus kamasto make a pact never to heal him. And since druids were mostly the guys who healed rogues on kamastrash, he died a lot. Mating Call: "What are the healers doing back there, looking at porn?" Habitat: Any instance group, from 5-man to 40-man.dofus golddofus kamas The Theorycrafting Rogue Who Failed Math dofus Identification: This rogue has come up with a spec/gear/playstyle choice that isn't accepted by the majority of rogues, and has decided kamasto defend it with an onslaught of numbers. When other rogues point out a common-sense reason why hdofus goldis scheme kamaswon't work, he comes at them with a gaggle of equations and then calls them mordofusons. However, he has made some sort of basic calculation error that invalidates his kamaswhole premise. The quintessential example of this is a fairly dofus golddofus kamasprogressed guild I've heard of where every single rogue dual-wielded Blinkstrike, because one of the rogue leaders had a malformed kamasidea of how valuable the proc wasdofus. Mating Call: "It's not my fault if you aren't able to comprehend my work." Habitatdofus: Almost exclusively rogue fordofus goldums.dofus kamas The But I Might Respec Rogue dofusdofus kamas Identification: This rogue is specced for swords. No, wait, maybe maces. Ooh, that's shiny -- how about daggers today? Basically,kamasshe's a rogue-specific version odofusf a lootwhore. She claims any and all purple weapons, whether or not there's kamasanother player in the raid who it would be a big upgrade for. If she's dofus goldusing daggers and a nice sword drops, she'll roll, since she was "only daggers until a good sword dropped" -- even if there's a kamassword roguedofus kamas in the raid. Wash, rindofusse, and repeat for any other weapons. She'll also take feral druid gear and hunterkamasranged weaons. The worst instance of this I've ever heard, dofus goldalthoughdofus it may be apocryphal, was a rogue who rolled on an axe because "rogues can usekamas axes in the nextdofus kamas patch." Mating Call: "Why is everyone getting upset? It's better than what I'm using ridofus goldght now." Habitat: Your Kara raid, waiting in the shadows for Malchazzeen. Do you knodofusw of any interesting rogue archetypes? Tell us kamasmore! dofus gold


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